Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sharon Dressel | Irving ISD

"I think you should change the name of your contest. 'Each One, Reach One' is good, but 'Each One, Keep One' should be an option. I think I may remember who introduced me to ATPE (Betty Simmons), but I know who has kept me there.

Robin Hurt is our building rep for ATPE, and she does an outstanding job. She leads by example and makes sure that we are taken care of. Robin is also very active and engaged in the work of ATPE and what it stands for. She works hard to make sure we are informed, and she is always willing to listen to (and bring forward) our concerns. I have observed other teacher organizations (that shall remain nameless), and I find that their professionalism, value for the membership and level of effectivess do not begin to approach what ATPE offers. They also do not have Robin!

Robin Hurt and the work that she does, as well as what ATPE provides as an organization, are what keep me coming back year after year. Robin is my 'Each One, Keep One' story!"

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